RTBCA Breed Standard

General Appearance:

Developed to be the ultimate house pet and companion, the Russian Tsvetnaya
Bolonka is a small, sturdy, balanced dog, slightly longer than tall. The breed appears disheveled due to the wavy or curly coat. He moves gracefully with the tail carried over the back. He is friendly to all and shows no sign of aggression. He is sweet, loving, intelligent and willing to please.

Size, Proportion, and Substance:

The body is slightly (not more than 15%) longer than the height at the withers, just off-square, measured from the point of shoulder to the ischium. The height is up to 10 1⁄4”. Height at withers over 11 inches is a disqualification. He is moderately boned. The ideal weight for males and females is 7 – 9 pounds.


The expression is sweet, alert, and intelligent. Eyes are dark brown. Lighter brown color is allowed in brown, fawn, and cream dogs. Blue or partially blue eye(s) are a disqualification. The eyes are of medium size, rounded, and set on the frontal plane. Eyelids are tight. Eye rims are black or match the coat color. Cheeks are slightly rounded. Ears are moderate size, V shaped with slightly rounded tips, set moderately high, lay close to the skull and carried dropped. When alert, the ears lift at the base. The head is in proportion to the body. The skull is slightly prominent and slightly rounded, with a well defined stop. The muzzle is short, slightly more than one third of the length of the head, slightly tapered to the nose. The nasal bridge is straight and wide at the base. Lower jaw is moderately wide. The nose is small, vertical in profile, with nostrils that are well opened. The nose is solid black or matches the coat color. All shades of solid brown pigmentation are allowed in brown dogs. A spotted or flesh-colored nose is a disqualification. The lips are tight, with edges that are black or similar to the coat color. A scissors bite is preferred; a level bite or a slightly undershot bite is tolerated. A complete set of incisors and canines is desired. An overshot bite or wry mouth is a disqualification.

Neck, Topline and Body:

The neck is average length, sloping, dry, and well-muscled. The topline is level with a strong, broad, well-muscled back. The body is compact with a deep chest that is moderately broad and oval shaped with the brisket extending to the elbow. Ribs are well sprung. The underline is moderately tucked up. The loin is short and slightly arched. The croup is rounded, medium length, rather broad, slightly sloping, and muscular. The tail is medium length, set at moderate height, and curls over the back so the tip is close to the back. The tail is completely covered by coat. The tail may not be docked. A missing or docked tail is a disqualification.


Legs are straight, parallel, and moderately wide when viewed from the front. The shoulder blades are well muscled, and their angulation with the shoulders is 100-110 degrees. The forelegs are straight and parallel, with elbows tight to the body. The length from the withers to the elbows is equal to the length from the elbows to the ground. Pasterns are strong and nearly upright. Dew claws may be removed. The feet are small and round with arched, tight toes. Pads and nails are dark.


The hind legs are straight and parallel. The hocks are strong, and moderately
angulated, medium in length. They are set moderately wide when viewed from the rear. The rear pasterns are medium length and upright. Dew claws may be removed. The feet are a little smaller than the forefeet, oval shaped, with arched, tight toes. Pads and nails are dark.


The coat is long, dense, thick, soft, and supple, with a well-developed undercoat. The coat forms large curls (preferred) or may be very wavy. The head has a well-developed beard and moustache. Complete lack of a beard and moustache is a disqualification. The coat is never deliberately parted. Hair on top of the head may fall naturally or be held up with a small bow on the top of the head. Feet may be neatened. No other trimming of the coat is allowed.


All colors are permitted except solid white, spotted, parti-color or merle. Small white markings on the toes and forechest are permitted. A solid white, spotted, parti-color or merle coat color is a disqualification.


The movement is smooth and flowing with good reach in front and strong rear drive.


The Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka is even-tempered, intelligent, friendly to all, and should never be shy or show aggression of any kind.


  • Height at withers over 11 inches. 
  • Blue or partially blue eye(s).
  • A spotted or flesh colored nose.
  • An overshot bite or wry mouth. 
  • A missing or docked tail.
  • Complete lack of beard and moustache.
  •  Any spots, markings (except where mentioned), solid white, parti-color or merle coat color.

AKC Ribbon Logo Horizontal


RTBCA is the AKC Approved Parent Club for the Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka Breed

A copy of the Breed Standard can be downloaded with the link below: